My due date is only 2 days away and I am feeling more than ready to bring Emily into this world. I can barely get around at this point because my stomach has gotten so big. I wake up 6 times a night to pee. And I'm lucky if I can get comfortable enough to fall back asleep. So I am being proactive.
My mom likes to tell my brother and I (over and over) that she ate spicy pizza the night before giving birth to us both. She is coming into town tonight and we are going to do just that. Sorry John and Katie - if this works we'll never hear the end of it... We are going to head over to Sal's, a deliciously greasy pizza joint in the Gayborhood of Dallas. Mike and I first found this place years before we moved to Dallas and it remains one of our favorites. I am gearing up for some serious indigestion. But if Emily comes tomorrow I'll count it as worth it. I've got plenty of Tums on the bedside table, so I think I am prepared.
After dinner Mike is making me go for a power walk. Although really, I think we should call it what it is: a power waddle. I'm just glad no one has a video camera on me for this one. We took a 45 minute walk yesterday and I could barely move afterward. Gravity and a giant bouncing belly just really don't go together.
Tomorrow I have my pregnancy pictures scheduled first thing in the morning. I have been putting this off and putting this off because I just don't feel photogenic. Still, I guess some part of me feels the need to document this part of my life because I finally caved in and scheduled a photo shoot with Ren Morrison. Ren has done pictures for me before and she will be doing the newborn pics the day we get home from the hospital as well. Hopefully I'll look happy and awake when Ren gets here. If not, at least I already know she is good with photoshop!
After the pregnancy pics I have an inducement massage. My massage therapist will hit all the pressure points that are supposed to encourage inducement. She maintains that there is no research that proves this has any effect, but I know enough people that swear by it that I am willing to give it a try. At this point I am so ready to be done I will try almost anything! (Hence the spicy pizza - even though I am absolutely sure the indigestion will make me wish I hadn't done it later tonight.)
Once I finish my massage, Mike and I will head over to my doctor's office and we will see if I have made any progress from last week. Cross your fingers for me. I'm certainly doing everything I know to do on my end! If we're lucky I'll go into labor and Emily will be here with plenty of time to spare before the UT game on Saturday. Cuz we all know if I go into labor on Saturday there is a good chance Mike will demand that the game be on in the delivery room...
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